T2 tse BLADE(PROPELLER) or t2 TRUFI axial gated
Plan the axial slices on the coronal TRUFI image; position the block across the liver as shown. Check the position in the other two planes. Slices must cover the whole biliary system from the diaphragm down to the c loop of duodenum. Adding saturation bands on top and bottom of the axial block will help to reduce arterial pulsation and breathing artefacts. Use motion correction sequences like BLADE (PROPELLER) for further artefact reduction. For respiratory gated scans it is important to place the respiratory navigator box correctly ie. in the middle of the right dome of diaphragm with half the box over the right lobe of the liver (segment 8) and the other half over the lungs. Planning must be done in a non-breath hold localizer because the diaphragm will push down the liver during inhalation and that will lead to an improper planning of slices and respiratory navigator box. It is important to instruct patient to breathe gently throughout the sequence. The effectiveness of the navigator will be reduced with very shallow or erratic breathing.

TR 3000-4000 | TE 90 | FLIP 140 | NXA 1 | SLICE 3MM | MATRIX 320×320 | FOV 350 | PHASE A>P | OVERSAMPLE 100% | TRIGGER YES |
T2 tse fat suppressed BLADE or T2 haste axial gated

TR 5000-6000 | TE 90 | FLIP 140 | NXA 1 | SLICE 3MM | MATRIX 320×320 | FOV 350 | PHASE A>P | FAT SAT SPAIR | TRIGGER YES |
T2 TRUFI fat sat (or HASTE) 4mm gated
Plan the coronal slices on the axial localizer; position the block across the liver as shown. Check in the other two planes. Slices must be sufficient to cover the whole liver from the anterior abdominal wall to the posterior abdominal wall. Phase direction must be right to left to avoid the artifacts from the heart. Phase oversampling must be used to avoid wrap around artefacts.</span>For respiratory gated scans it is important to place the respiratory navigator box correctly ie. in the middle of the right dome of diaphragm with half the box over the right lobe of the liver (segment 8) and the other half over the lungs. Planning must be done in a non-breath hold localizer because the diaphragm will push down the liver during inhalation and that will lead to an improper planning of slices and respiratory navigator box. It is important to instruct patient to breathe gently throughout the sequence. The effectiveness of the navigator will be reduced with very shallow or erratic breathing.

TR 4-5 | TE 2-3 | FLIP 10 | NXA 1 | SLICE 3MM | MATRIX 256×256 | FOV 350 | PHASE R>L | OVERSAMPLE 50% | TRIGGER NO |
T2 tse 3D(or SPACE 3D) coronal gated
Plan the coronal 3D on the axial TRUFI (or HASTE); position the block across the common bile duct.Check in the other two planes. Slices must be sufficient to cover the whole common bile duct, pancreatic duct and gall bladder. Phase oversampling must be used to avoid wrap around artifacts. For respiratory gated scans it is important to place the respiratory navigator box correctly ie. In the middle of the right dome of diaphragm with half the box over the right lobe of the liver (segment 8) and the other half over the lungs. Planning must be done in a non-breath hold localizer because the diaphragm will push down the liver during inhalation and that will lead to an improper planning of slices and respiratory navigator box. It is important to instruct patient to breathe gently throughout the sequence. The effectiveness of the navigator will be reduced with very shallow or erratic breathing.

TR 5000-7000 | TE 180 | FLIP 150 | NXA 1 | SLICE 4MM | MATRIX 256×256 | FOV 350 | PHASE A>P | OVERSAMPLE 50% | IPAT ON |