
MRI Cross Vendor Terminology (MRI Acronyms)

MRI Cross Vendor Terminology
Generic NameSiemensGEPhilipsToshibaHitachi
Turbo Spin Echo/Fast Spin EchoTSE (Turbo Spin Echo)FSE (Fast Spin Echo)TSE (Turbo Spin Echo)FSE (Fast Spin Echo)FSE (Fast Spin Echo)
Single-Shot TSEHASTESingle-Shot FSESingle-Shot TSEFASESingle-Shot FSE
TSE with 90° Flip- Back Pulse  RESTOREFast Recovery FSE (FRFSE)  DRIVE  T2 Plus FSEDriven Equilibrium
Hyper EchoesHyperecho
3D TSE with variable Flip Angle  SPACE  CUBE  VISTA  mVox
Reduced-FoV Imaging for 3D TSE  ZOOMit SPACE
Number of Echoes in TSE  Turbo FactorEcho Train Length (ETL)  Turbo FactorEcho Train Length (ETL)  Echo Factor
Gradient EchoGREGREFast Field Echo (FFE)Field Echo (FE)GE
Spoiled Gradient Echo  FLASH  SPGR  T1-FFE  T1-FFERF Spoiled SARGE, RSSG
Coherent Gradient Echo  FISP  GRASS  FFE  SSFP  Rephased SARGE
Steady State Free Precesion  PSIF  SSFP  T2-FFETime-Reversed SARGE, TRSG
True FISP/Dual Excitation  CISS  FIESTA-CPhase Balanced SARGE, PBSG
Double Echo Steady State  DESS
Multi-Echo Data Image Combination  MEDIC  MERGE  M-FFE  ADAGE
Ultrafast Gradient Echo 2D with preparation pulse  TurboFLASH  Fast GRE, Fast SPGR  TFE  T1-FFE  RGE
Ultrafast Gradient Echo 3D with preparation pulse  MPRAGE  3D FGRE, 3D Fast SPGR, BRAVO  3D TFE  3D FFE  MPRAGE
Ultrafast Gradient Echo 3D with dual echo train  MP2RAGE
Volume-Interpolated 3D GRE  VIBE  LAVA-XV  THRIVE  3D Quick  TIGRE
Susceptibility- weighted Imaging  SWI  SWAN 2.0  SWIp
Arterial Spin LabelingASLASLASLASL
Pulsed, Continueous, Pseudo-Continuous ASL  PASL, CASL, PCASL  PASL, CASL, PCASL  PASL, CASL, PCASL
Inversion RecoveryIR,Turbo IR (TIR)IR, MPIR, FastIRIR-TSEIRIR
Dual Inversion Recovery  DIR SPACE  CUBE DIR  Dual IR-TSE
True IRTIR, True IRReal IRReal IRReal-IR
Echo Planar Imaging, DiffusionEPIEPIEPIEPIEPI
Number of Echoes in EPIEPI FactorETLEPI FactorEcho Train Length (ETL)Echo Factor
Diffusion-weighted ImagingDWIDWIDWIDWIDWI
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient MapADCADCADCADCADC
Computed b-valuesComputed b-values
    Diffusion Tensor Imaging“MDDW (Multi- Directional Diffusion Imaging), DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)”    DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)    DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)    DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)    DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)
DTI Tractography (Fiber Tracking)  DTI Tractography  FiberTrak  FiberTrakDTT (Diffusion Tensor Tractography)  DTI Tractography
High-resolution Diffusion ImagingRESOLVEPROPELLER DWIDWI with segmented EPIFASE DWIRADAR DWI
Reduced-FoV Imaging for Diffusion and BOLD EPI  ZOOMit EPI  FOCUS
Turbo Gradient Spin Echo (GRASE)TurboGSE, TGSEGRASEHybrid EPI
3D contrast- enhanced radial “stack of stars”StarVIBE (FREEZEit)
Dynamic contrast- enhanced 3D with k-space re-orderingTWIST-VIBE (FREEZEit)  DISCO
Body DiffusionREVEAL(DW-EPI)DWIBSBody Vision(DWI)
Fat & Iron EvaluationLiverLabIDEAL-IQmDixon Quant
MR ElastographyElastographyMR-TouchElastography
Women’s Health, Men’s Health
High-resolution Bilateral Breast Imaging  VIEWS  VIBRANT-Flex  BLISS  RADIANCE
Comprehensive Prostate ImagingSEEit
MR Angiography
Time of FlightToFToF, Inhance InflowToFToFToF
Phase ContrastPhase Contrast (PC)Phase Contrast, Inhance VelocityPhase Contrast (PC)Phase Shift (PS)Phase Contrast (PC)
Dynamic MRA with k-space SharingTWISTTRICKS-XVKeyhole (4D-TRAK)DRKS(TRAQ)
Non-contrast MR Angio, TSE-basedNATIVE-SPACEInhance DeltaflowTRANCEFBI, CIA
Non-contrast MR Angio, TrueFISP-based  NATIVE-TrueFISP  Inhance Inflow IR  B-TRANCE  Time-SLIP  VASC
Non-contrast MR Angio, QISSQISS**
Magnetization Transfer Contrast  MTC  MTC  MTC  SORS-STC  MTC
Multi-slab acquisitionMulti-SlabMOTSAMulti-ChunkMulti-SlabMulti-Slab
Contrast Bolus Timing/Visualization  CARE BolusSmart Prep; Fluoro Triggered MRA  BolusTrak  Visual Prep  FLUTE
Cardiac Imaging
Comprehensive Cardiac ToolBEAT (2D/3D)
T1, T2, T2* MappingMyoMapsStarMap (T2*)T1 Mapping, StarQuant
MSK Imaging
Metal-Implant Imaging (2D correction)  WARP with VAT  O-MAR
Metal-Implant Imaging (3D correction)  Advanced WARP with SEMAC  MAVRIC SL
Parametric MappingMapItCartiGram (T2)T2* Relax Map
Prostate Spectroscopy3D CSIPROSE(Prostate Spectroscopy)(Prostate Spectroscopy)
Breast SpectroscopyGRACEBREASE(Breast Spectroscopy)Breast Spect
Weighted Elliptical Excitation for CSIWET
Quiet Scanning
“Inaudible” 3D sequence with half radialsPETRASILENZ
Quiet scanning with optimized gradient waveformsQuietXSilent ScanComforTone(rounded gradient shapes)
Quiet scanning with reduced slew rates (longer scan times)Whisper sequencesAcoustic Reduction Technology (ART)SofToneSoftSound
Motion Correction
Flow Compensation with Gradient Moment NullingGMR/Flow CompFlow CompFlow Comp; FlagFCGR
Motion Correction with Radial BladesBLADEPROPELLER 3.0MultiVaneJETRADAR
1D Navigators for Cardiac Imaging1D PACENavigatorsNavigatorsEcho-Navigator
2D Navigators for Abdominal Imaging2D PACE
3D Prospective Motion Correction for fMRI3D PACEPMC
3D Retrospective Motion Correction for fMRI3D ART(BrainWave)MC
Motion Correction for 3D TSE with spiral navigatorsPROMO
Elastic 3D Motion Correction in AbdomenDynaVIBE
Soft-Tissue Motion CorrectionBRACE
Fat Suppression, Spatial Saturation
Fat saturation – chemicallyFat SatFat Sat/Chem SatSPIRMSOFTSINC, H-SINC
Fat saturation – chemically with adiabatic pulseSPAIRASPIRSPAIR
Water ExcitationWater ExcitationWater ExcitationProsetPASTAWater Excitation
Dixon Fat-Water separation for TSEDixon TSEIDEALmDixon XD, mDixon TSEFatSep
Dixon Fat-Water separation for 3D GREDixon VIBELAVA-FlexmDixonWFS
Spatial saturationSat RegionSATRESTPresatPresat
Moving Sat PulseTracking SatWalking SatTravel RESTMoving PresatSequential Pre Sat
Parallel Acquisition TechniquesiPAT
PAT: k-space-based AlgorithmGRAPPAARC(k-RAPID)
Integrated CalibrationIntegrated, Auto-CalibrationSelf-Calibration (with ARC)
Separate CalibrationSeparate Calibration(Calibration for ASSET)(Calibration for SENSE)/CLEAR(Calibration for SPEEDER)(Calibration for RAPID)
Multiple datasets calibrate each otherSelf-Calibration, T-PAT
Parallel Transmission
B1 ShimmingTimTX TrueFormMultiDriveMultiTransmitMultiPhase Transmit(Quartet)
Platform for advanced pTX applications, e.g., with multi- dimensional RF pulsesTimTX TrueShape
Scanning with Continuous Table MoveTimCT
Fast 2D GRE LocalizerTimCT FastView
Contrast-enhanced Angio, 3D CoronalTimCT Angio
Multiple Contrasts, 2D AxialTimCT Onco
Patient Orientation SequenceLocalizer, ScoutLocalizerPlan ScanLocatorScanogram
Automated Slice PositioningAutoAlignReadyBrainSmartExamNeuroLine, SpineLine
Sequence Parameters
Repetition Time, Echo Time (in msec)TR, TETR, TETR, TETR, TETR, TE
Inversion Time (in msec)TITITITITI
Inter-Echo Spacing (TSE, EPI)Echo SpacingEcho SpacingEcho SpacingEcho SpacingInter-Echo Time (IET)
Scan Measurement TimeAcquisition Time, TAAcquisition TimeAcquisition TimeAcquisition TimeScan Time
Field of View (FoV)FoV [mm]FoV [cm]FoV [mm]FoVFoV
Rectangular FoVFoV Phase, Rectangular FoVAsymmetric FoVRectangular FoVRectangular FoVRectangular FoV
Shifting Slices Off CenterOff-center ShiftOff center FoVOff-center FoVPhase & Frequency ShiftOff-center FoV
Distance Between SlicesDistance Factor (% of slice thickness)GapGapGapSlice Interval
Simultaneous ExcitationSimultaneous ExcitationPOMP(Phase Offset Multiplanar)Multi-SliceQuadScanDual Slice
RF Excitation Pulse in Gradient EchoFlip AngleFlip AngleFlip AngleFlip AngleFlip Angle
BandwidthBandwidth [Hz/ Px]Receive Bandwidth [kHz]Fat/Water Shift [pixel]BandwidthBandwidth
Variable BandwidthOptimized bandwidthVariable BandwidthOptimized bandwidthMatched BandwidthVariable Bandwidth
Half Fourier ImagingHalf Fourier, Phase Partial FourierHalf NEX; fractional NEXHalf ScanAFIHalf Scan
Partial EchoAsymmetric EchoAsymmetric EchoPartial EchoMatched BandwidthHalf Echo
Frequency OversamplingOversamplingAnti-AliasingFrequency OversamplingFrequency Wrap SuppressionFrequency Oversampling
Phase OversamplingPhase OversamplingNo Phase WrapFold-over SuppressionPhase wrap suppressionAnti-Wrap
Segmented k-SpaceLines/SegmentsViews per segmentViews/SegmentSegmentsSegments
Time Delay/Block k-SpaceTime DelayIntersegment DelayTDTD
Scan Synchronization with ECGECG triggeredCardiac Gated/ TriggeringECG Triggered/ VCGCardiac GatedECG Triggered
Delay after R-WaveTrigger Delay; TDTrigger Delay; TDTrigger Delay; TDTrigger Delay; TDDelay Time
Respiratory GatingRespiratory GatedRespiratory CompTrigger; PEARRespiratory GatedMAR
Multi-channel RF coil sensitivity normalizationPrescan NormalizePURECLEARNATURAL
Central K-space filling arterial visualizationCentral EllipticalElliptic CentricCENTRAPEAKS
